The St. Mary's Fourth Grade Class recording at Makoche' Studios
We have lots of gear.
Maybe not everything, but lots of gear.
We’ve been busy collecting
and using it for over 30 years.
You can record to our Pro Tools HD system (or Logic Pro X) or go analog. We held on to our original Sony/MCI 24-track 2-inch machine and it still sounds great. We have vintage Neumann microphones along with a selection of pre-amps and vintage compressors. Below is a partial list of some of the rest of what we have.
We love to talk about gear.
Call us anytime.
Console: Neotek Elite 32 x 24
Monitors: Urei 813 Time-aligned monitors, KRK 7000 near-field monitors, Tannoy Reveal monitors
Microphones (partial list): 3 Neumann U-87s (All 1970’s vintage), Neumann U-47 fet, Neumann KM-84, Neumann KM-100, Sony C-48, AKG C451 E (3), AKG D112, Sennhieser 421 (3), Pacific Pro Audio Tube, numerous dynamic microphones and a number of studio-modified condenser microphones.
Outboard Gear (partial list):
Neve 1272+2 Mic Pre, API 3124+ 4 Channel Mic Pre, Warm Audio WA273-EQ, Golden Age Project Pre73 +2 Mic Pre, Urei LA-4 Compressor, Teletroniix LA-2A Compressor, DBX 166 Compressor/Gate, Avalon VT-747sp stereo channel compressor/EQ, Allison Research Gain Brain (2), Allison Research Kepex Gate (2) Eventide H3000 Ultra-Harmonizer, Lexicon Prime Time Digital Delay, Lexicon 200 Reverveb, Klark-Teknik DN-780 Digital Reverberator
Control Room software includes:
Digidesign Pro Tools Ultimate with Digidesign modified 192 I/Os, Logic Pro X, Samplitude PRO X, Ableton Live Suite, Native Instruments Komplete Ultimate, Izotope RX 10 Audio Editor Advanced, Izotope Ozone 10 Advanced, Steven Slate collection, Waves collection, UAD collection
© 2023 Makoché Studios 208 North 4th Street Bismarck, North Dakota 701-223-7316